I was taking a look over at Babycenter today. I was actually looking up some information on the safety of certain foods during pregnancy; peanut butter, fish, and caffeine to be exact. But I'll post more about those things later on. If you are currently pregnant or trying to conceive, and have a specific food question, Babycenter has a lot of useful info. Or you can of course talk to your Dr.
Anyway, I decided to check out some of their videos. I'm wondering why I never checked them out before. They have some wonderful videos that take a look inside pregnancy, from conception to right before birth. The images are computerized but real. Everything is explained in a clear and educational kind of way. I really enjoyed watching them.
Click here for the first video called "Inside pregnancy, weeks 1 to 9". After watching this first video you can then click on the list to the right where you'll find four more "Inside pregnancy" videos. They also have a ton of other videos to enjoy as well. I also watched a video about getting the epidural (which I did get with my first one). That particular video was a bit graphic, I must warn, but it was pretty amazing at the same time.
I think I will show the "Inside pregnancy" videos to little guy when and if I become pregnant. This decision would be based on one's parenting techniques of course, but personally I feel that these videos are educational and not too real-life graphic. This decision would also be based on your child. Every child is different. Some children might be fascinated while others might be unsure about it all. But considering little guy already knows a lot about how babies grow in the Mommy, I believe he's ready for such videos.
Anyway, happy watching and learning. :)