For three days I've had more spotting. Not a lot. But it was there. From my most recent trip to the hospital I was informed that any spotting should be investigated. With my history and problems with this pregnancy, we should take care. So after three days, I decided it was best to go.
My hospital has a special maternity ER. And because my OB/GYN is always booked with patients in the clinic (also located in the hospital), we are advised to go to the ER for any concerns/complications. So the ER is where I went last night. I have no other problems. No pain. No cramping. Etc. This time the Dr. on duty (who was the same Dr. I saw there just last week), thought it'd be best for a vaginal exam. From this exam she determined a few things. 1) At the time, there was no blood. Good. 2) There was discharge so she did a swap which will be sent to the lab and tested for infection (She's thinking this could be what's going on with me). 3) The cervix is closed. Very Good.
She then ordered another ultrasound, which I was able to have done right away. Everything from the ultrasound is good. The placenta is still good too. And baby is looking good. He's a whole 3 pounds already! My calendar date says that I'm 29 weeks along, with a due date of 6 February. The ultrasound is now measuring that I'm 30 weeks, 6 days, with a due date of 29 January. The Dr. said we will still go with the calendar date. However, if baby comes in January, I will not be surprised.
So, as of now, things are good. I have an appt. with my OB/GYN next week. I'll find the results of my swab from her and see if I need yet another antibiotic (I hope not). I will also receive my sick leave and will be off work until after my maternity leave.
Tomorrow night I'm looking forward to my baby shower which will held by my friends. The hostess, a friend who I've known for years, is making a Thanksgiving dinner. Yum! My friends are buying gifts which will be helpful in completing my list. I'm about 90% done with my list. After the shower, I think I'll only need a couple more items and I'll be ready for baby brother. Hospital bags will be packed sometime this week....just in case.
Next up, buying and setting up little guy's new "big boy bedroom". He wants to share a room with his new brother, so we'll put the crib in there with him, and the bassinet in our room, next to my bed. Yesterday we started going through the baby storage (things that I saved from little guy's baby days). I'll be working on cleaning and organizing these things in the coming days/weeks. And to my family reading this, don't worry, my housekeeper will be helping.
So far, so good. But I must say, I hate spotting. It has ruined me. Long ago I thought about having four children. But, now I'm thinking that two sound good to me. ;)