Thursday, November 17, 2011

pregnancy update. 28 weeks.

Aren't you all excited?  I'm writing 2 posts in one day.  LOL.  I've been so busy and so occupied it isn't even funny.  I've had no extra time for blogging.  However, I have sort of made this blog a place where my family can read up on my pregnancy details and I'm sure they've been wondering what's going on.  So an update is in order.

I had an appointment with my OB/GYN this past week.  I mentioned to her that I had some brown spotting a week before.  And btw, if you ever experience brown spotting, you must inform your Dr.  I only had it once so I didn't panic.  I decided that if I were to see if again, I would go to the ER and get checked.  Knowing that I had an appt. and with only seeing it that one time, I waited until I went to the Dr. (also I had nothing out of the ordinary; the baby was moving as usual, there were no cramps, etc).  I personally thought that it could've been related to the suppositories that I have to take.  But who knows. 

My Dr. is being extra cautious with me.  We want to try our best to prevent another preterm birth, but at the same time be prepared in case it's inevitable.  Also, it's around this time that many Drs will order some more testing.  So this is the list of things my Dr wanted:
  • Glucose Test...For this test I had to fast for 8 hours.  I was only allowed to drink water.  They will take one tube of blood and then give you a sweet orange drink (it's kinda like the orange drink that they had at McDonald's when I was little).  Then you have to wait for two hours.  After the 2 hour period, they will take another tube of blood.  The blood gets sent to the lab and they will determine if you have gestational diabetes (diabetes that occurs only in pregnancy).  My result:  no diabetes
  • Blood Test...Just a routine blood test to make sure things are all good and healthy.  My result:  A slight infection.  I have to take an antibiotic and use a vaginal creme for one week (which is no fun because those suppositories I was talking about before now have to be used rectally...ew).
  • Urine Test...Another routine test done throughout pregnany.  My result:  good, no problems.
  • Steriod Injections...I had to have these done when I was admitted a week before little guy was born.  The injections will help the baby's lungs to develop in case of an early birth.  There are two injections and they are given 12 hours apart.  And I have to say that while the actual injection itself doesn't bother me, the after part does.  It hurts for a little while after.  I had a sore bottom, but don't worry, it goes away after a small amount of time.
  • Ultrasound...I never mind my Dr requesting one of these.  I like to see the baby and make sure he's alright in there.  And our littlest little guy is doing just fine.  He was actually chilling out and resting his hand on his face.  And he already resembles his big brother, at least in utero.  And in addition to that, the placenta is good.  It's in the upper segment, which is where it should be.  So that's a major plus (remember before, I had bleeding because the placenta was low and there was a small detachment?). 
So all in all, things are coming along well.  My Dr wanted to give me a sick leave so that I stop working.  I'm going to hang in there for a few more weeks and then most likely take her up on the idea.  It's becoming more and more difficult at work.  I teach 2nd grade and that involves a lot of physical activity.  I will not push myself, so knowing my limits, my time at work before baby arrives is getting shorter.  I already informed my supervisor to start looking for my sub as I will be on leave sooner than later.

And because my ultrasound is telling me that I'm 28 weeks and due 6th of Feb (a week earlier than our previous date), I'm even more concentrated on getting baby's things ready.  I have 90% of my list complete.  We have a few more things to buy and we'll be ready for this baby to arrive.  I'll be packing the hospital bags in the near future as well.
From my first child I learned.  It's never too early to be prepared and ready.

image via google

yes i'm getting "big", it's called being pregnant

Rule #1 when talking to a pregnant woman....NEVER, and I mean, NEVER, EVER tell her that she looks too big or too small.  It is THE most insulting thing you can say and it will send her into a mental panic.

Telling a woman that she looks too small to be whatever month she is in will make her worry that her baby is not growing enough.

Telling a woman she is too big will make her worry that she will deliver a full grown elephant (not to mention that you're basically telling her that she looks like a whale, and believe me, she already feels like one, so no need to make her feel any worse).

The truth of the matter is that all women and all pregnancies are different.  You simply cannot compare, SO DON'T!  Keep your mouth shout and you'll save her the worry and stress, and yourself a black eye.  ;)

In my own personal case, I have had people saying the word "big" and boy does that make me mad.  Ok, first of all, there's a human being growing inside my body.  Of course, I will get big.  If you stuff a pita pocket with food does it stay flat or look bigger?  I think we all get what I'm saying.  And second of all, I care only what my Dr has to say on the matter.  If she think I'm "big" or "too big", she'll be sure to tell me.  This I am sure.

And I would like to thank Demi Moore.  I'm not into the whole posing nude for a cover thing, but she did pose while she was 7 months pregnant (which is the month I am now in).

And while my behind and what not are not as slim looking as hers, my belly size is actually a bit smaller.  And, no, she's not pregnant with twins in this picture.  So there people.  Just google images of pregnant women and you'll see how many different shapes and sizes that women can be while pregnant.

So yes, my stomach is big.  That's because I'm pregnant.  Duh!

Ok, off my soapbox now.  ;)

image via wikipedia