I haven't posted for a couple of weeks because we've been waiting. And in the middle of all the waiting, little guy got tonsilitis and rotavirus which required a couple of days in the hospital for fluid, meds, tests, and observation. I'm happy to say that little guy is fine now. I will one day post on rotavirus. It can sound scary, and when you're child is going through it, it may seem scary. But with proper steps, your child will bounce back to normal.
So, anyway...I was late for my period this month. I felt a bit excited as my body is very regular. But I didn't want to get my hopes up. I decided to wait a few days before taking a home test. With my first pregnancy, I took a test right after missing a period and it was negative. That's because the urine test reads whether or not the pregnancy hormone is present in your urine. In the beginning, there may not be a high enough level of the hormone to show up. The further into pregnancy, the higher the level. I waited a couple more days and that one was positive. So taking a pregnancy test too early can give you a negative when you may in fact be pregnant. So always wait a few days and take a 2nd test. If your period still doesn't come after that, you must see your Dr.
So, after a few days of missing my period, I took a test at home (and I used a cheapy test, the pharmacist insisted that they're all the same). The pregnancy line was very faint. Now, I know from my first experience that this qualifies as a postive (depending on the level of the hormone as well as the sensitivity of the test, the line may not be as bright colored as the control line). But still, just to be sure, I waited two days and took a second test. Again, positive. I then made my Dr. appt. and a blood test confirmed that I am pregnant. Yay! We have a due date of early February 2012. :)
So now we are not only ready to grow, we are in fact starting to grow. As of now, it's our (and your) little secrect. We plan to tell family and friends later. What a difficult secret to keep. :)
A lot more to come as we continue this journey...
p.s. I'm sorry to say that I forget where the image is from. If you know, please let me know so that I can credit it. Thanks! ;)