With all my recent stress with spotting/bleeding, I've debated about even starting a checklist. That fear of something bad happening is always lingering in the back of my mind. But hubby insists that we need to keep on planning, afterall we are expecting a baby in February. So, I've decided that I'd rather be prepared even if something does go wrong, than be unprepared because everything could go right. I did read one comforting statistic today. Half of all pregnancies that have spotting will go on. And if baby's heartbeat is good and healthy by 11 weeks, the chances of that pregnancy being successful are greater than 90%. Oh, and I scheduled my next appt, which will be with my favorite OB/GYN, the one that delivered little guy. It'll be in just 2 1/2 weeks.
Back to my checklist talk. I decided to go to one of my favorite websites for baby things, BabyCenter.
I found two helpful checklists; one for preparing for baby, and one for the hospital stay when baby arrives.
Little guy was born 7 weeks early. Luckily I had a lot of the things ready at home, but there were still some last minute things that we needed. And, I did not have things ready for the hospital. I remember stopping by the pharmacy and stocking up on all those things we didn't have time to get before. I'm positive that they reached their sales goal that night...lol. But my point is that once you pass that first trimester mark, it's never too early to prepare for baby. Believe me, the time will fly by.