Saturday, April 30, 2011

trying...first month

We started trying for little guy in December of 2005.  I told both hubby and myself that it may take a good 6 months until we would get pregnant.  I felt very relaxed about the whole thing.  I didn't use any ovualtion tools.  I just made sure that we had fun on those few days that I knew where my fertile days.  We were blessed by getting pregnant that first month of trying.

This time around I am again reminding hubby and myself that it may not happen right away.  Apparently, a woman's fertility rate decreases after 30 (I just turned 32).  But still, I will not go to great lengths to get pregnant.  I'm fortunate because I have a very regular cycle, and I know my body well.  This time around, I did in fact print out an ovulation calendar from WebMD.  I did that to be sure of my fertile days.  But, as life would have it, hubby was away on a business trip during a couple of those days.  When he returned I was ready.  ;)  I'm not sure if we made it in time or not.  We shall see.

With all the information out there, it's easy to get discouraged.  One article said that a healthy woman has about a 20% chance of getting pregnant on any given month.  Another article said it can take a healthy couple up to a year to get pregnant, another said six months, and yet another said within three months.  Honestly, my advice is a) Don't read too much info.  Find a website and maybe a book that you trust and refer to it when needed.  But don't depend on it.  And b)  Relax and have fun trying.  I know, I know, easier said than done.  Believe me, I understand that need to get pregnant right.this.very.moment.  But I'm a firm believer that all things happen for a reason and they happen when they're meant to.  Getting yourself stressed out will definitely not help.  If we go through several months of trying with no success, I may sing a different tune.  I hope I can keep it real though.

We planned to start trying this month because it would work out really well with our annual travel plans.  Every summer, we fly across the world to visit my family in the U.S.  A 13-14 hour flight is something we must keep in mind when thinking about pregnancy.  I flew during my first pregnancy; I was at the end of my 5th month when we went.  Traveling in the 2nd trimester is the safest time.  So if I would get pregnant this month, I would complete the 1st trimester shortly before our summer trip.  Also, my little sister is getting married next summer, so we need time to be pregnant, have the baby, get a passport for the baby, and get tickets for all four of us in time for summer trip 2012.  But, you know, no  :D

Here's praying for success.  But if not, we'll just keep on trying.  ;)

the first post

I have a secret.  It's a secret that both family and friends would be thrilled to know.  Except we've decided not to tell them.  At least not yet. 

The secret?  This past winter hubby and I decided that we'd try for baby number two this spring.  Our first born, who will be referred to here as "little guy", is approaching his fifth birthday this summer.  And it is definitely time for him to have a sibling.

Our families and friends have been asking us for several years when we plan to have another baby.  The truth of the matter is that having a baby is something both hubby and I take very seriously.  We want to be responsible parents.  Also, we experienced some complications with my first pregnancy that influenced us to take our time.

We have decided to keep this a private matter for many reasons.  First and foremost we just want privacy to go about this on our own.  We don't want pressure from outsiders, no matter how well their intentions are.  I don't want people constantly analyzing me as to whether or not I look or act pregnant.  We want to go with the flow.  But I'll be honest, it's killing me not to share this with my family.  :)

Our decision came with some loving thoughts and respect for a couple of our loved ones.  My cousin, who is more like a sister to me, has gone through two miscarriages over the past two years.  I've been praying for her nonstop and yesterday my prayers were answered.  I got the best email that I've recieved in such a long time.  She's over 12 weeks pregnant.  Yay!

My brother and his wife announced late last year that they'd be trying for a baby.  And in the early months of this year, I got an awesome text message showing their positive pregnany test.  Joy was soon overtaken by sadness when some complications occurred and miscarriage soon followed.  The good news is that they believe this to be a normal miscarriage and have been given the green light to start trying after three months.  I'm praying for them constantly.

These stories, along with many more from family and friends, remind us that planning for baby is not so easy.  Sometimes we're given rivers to cross and mountains to climb.  But the joy that comes from being a parent is like no other.  I have a love for my son that I never knew possible, and that comes from a very loving person.  :)

So as we begin this journey, I decided to create this blog.  It'll be my special place to go when I need to talk.  Eventually I will probably share this blog with family and friends.  But until we reach that special time, it'll be my secrect, and yours (if you happen to find me).  ;)