Warning: Long post to follow...
After a month of being away on vacation, we're back home. And while I loved the family time, site seeing, and food, I must admit that I was a bit under stress. Like, pretty much the entire time. Remember that spotting I was talking about in an earlier post? Well, it decided to come back and stay with me almost everyday of our trip. Not fun. Scary, really. And on one day in particular the spotting was quite heavier than the other days and that sent me into an emotional crying spell in front of my family (which I hate doing).
Once we returned last week, I scheduled a Doctor's appointment only to find out that my Dr. is no longer working there. WHAT? So, I had no other choice than to schedule with the next available OB/GYN. In the mean time my spotting stopped (don't get excited just yet, there'll be more on that soon).
I convinced the new Dr. to order me another ultrasound. With all that spotting and travelling I needed some reassurance. She agreed and also checked the heartbeat right there in her office, which was good, thank God. Now, onto the ultrasound. This is the 3rd one I've had for this pregnancy and the tech, in my opinion, did not know what she was doing. I'm not kidding when I say that that was the longest ultrasound I've ever had (remember that I already have one baby, which means I know how these ultrasounds are supposed to go). Of course hubby and I were worried that something was terribly wrong. I mean, we saw the heartbeat and we heard the heartbeat. We even saw the baby moving. But why on earth was the tech asking me to turn from one side to the next all the while looking like she was having problems of some kind. We asked once, "Everything's fine", she said. We asked twice, "Everything's fine", she said again. And finally I just came out and asked, "What is it that you're looking for?". To which she replied that she needed to get a measurement on the back of the neck and because of baby's movements and positions she couldn't get it. Ok, crazy tech lady, could you not have told us that before?!? Finally, she asks another tech to come and help and within two seconds, she got it (further leading me to believe that thic chic was not so experienced).
Because my spotting had subsided (or so I thought) the Dr. told me that I didn't need to take any more meds, just my prenatal vitamins. She also told me that I didn't need to come back until my next appt, four weeks away. I felt some relief finally. Until...
That evening, I had spotting again. Bummer. I didn't get so worried. Heck, I've been dealing with it for a month already. But the next evening, I went to the bathroom, and I found actual blood, like my "friend" came to visit blood. It was scary. I made sure that it was in fact coming from the place I believed, which it was. I also had hubby take a look, which is gross, but I needed someone else to see what I was seeing, justifying my concen. We decided not to play around. We went straight to the ER.
I go the ER and am told I have to wait as the OB/GYN on duty was in surgery and would be down as soon as she finished. Wait? Ok, what choice did I have? So, I went to the bathroom to check things out and found only slight spotting when I wiped. Good. Finally, I'm called into a room and the Dr. eventually comes. She tells me after reviewing my ultrasound that was just performed two days before that she's not suspecting any problems. She thinks the bleeding could be cause by something local and wants to do a "down there check". After checking things out she informs me that everything looks fine, that there is no blood on my cervix. I feel great that things are okay, but feel bad that it appears I made things up. Especially, when she tells me that if it happens again I should "focus" and make sure it's coming from where I think it is. Uh, hello Dr., I think I know the difference between holes, thank you very much. Thank God I had my hubby see. I had a witness, and thus reassuring me that I am not a looney.
So, I come home to have more spotting, even with a tiny (very small, mind you) dark clot. But, I didn't worry, after an exam things can happen. I decided to wait it out and see. By the next morning, things stopped and I haven't seen anything more since. But I am now afraid to go to the bathroom.
Some good news is that I found out that my old Dr., who delievered my son, is back at the hospital I used to go to. So guess who is transferring hospitals? That would be me. I'm hoping to get an appt. with her in the near future. I need someone who knows what they're talking about. And I trust her.
But in the mean time, this pregnancy is stressing me the heck out. This could very well be our last child. Two is enough, right?
P.S. I've made it to the 2nd trimester. That's another piece of good news.
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