Friday, September 2, 2011

yes, i'd like a new battery, please

I feel worn out.  As if my battery is completely drained. 

And the crazy part is that I'm having trouble sleeping.  Go figure.  It's kinda like a cruel joke because I will definitely not be able to catch up on sleep once baby arrives.  That was something I really had to adjust to when little guy was born.  I'm fine on 7-8 hours of sleep, but it was definitely a challenge having that sleep broken up by waking up every 2-3 hours.

Some of my sleep problems are from all the adjusting I've been trying to do.  We were on vacation for one month, in a completely different time zone.  When we came back we were still on summer break so we did the night owl routine of staying up all night and sleeping all day.  But now we need to change.  I start work in a couple of days and little guy will start school next week so we've been trying to shift our sleeping pattern.

But I keep waking up.  I wake up to pee.  I wake up because I'm hungry.  I wake up because I seem to be having some leg problems (only in one leg, it could be worse I guess).  And then once I wake up, I stay awake, thinking. 

You know, thinking can be a dangerous thing.  This brain of mine is in overdrive.  I, of course, think about all things baby.  I think about preparing for the baby.  I think about preparing little guy for the baby.  I think about managing work, two children, and a husband (because we all know that husbands are like children).  I think about the new school year that I'm about to begin.  I think about what kind of students I'll be teaching this year (God, please let them be well-behaved angels).  I think about thinking, and then get mad at myself for doing so much of it. 

And btw, this is all different than worrying.  Worrying is an entirely different category that I'm doing a pretty good job of defeating.  For now.

So, every morning I wake up after only 3 hours of sleep.  I go do the pee thing then try to lay down to sleep only to be greeted by my belly grumbling for food.  I go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal or drink a glass (make that a double) of milk.  Then I head back up to bed to try and sleep.  And that's when the thinking or leg discomfort (sometimes both) begin.  Then I lay there for about 2 hours before I fall back asleep.  After waking up and eating breakfast, little guy plays and I watch a little TV, and then BAM!  It hits me.  Exhaustion.  As if I had no sleep at all.  I fall asleep on the couch.  This dozing off can be as little as 10 minutes or as much as an entire Disney movie (Which may or may not have just happened the other day.  Hey, at least little guy was entertained while I snored away).

I'm so hoping that this will improve once we get back to our work/school schedules.  Or else I'm gonna need a new battery, like now.

In more positive news, I'm starting 17 weeks, and I will see my Dr. in a couple of days.  And maybe, just maybe, I've felt some movement (If you're pregnant and haven't felt anything at this time DO NOT worry.  I'm a 2nd timer which means it's more common to feel things earlier.  You will feel movement anywhere from 18 to 22 weeks, just FYI).

I have a ton of things I want to write about (Remember all that thinking?  Blogging was in there too).  My laptop's in the shop so once I get that back I hope to get cracking on some new blog posts.  Until then I'll be snoozing on my couch.  ;)

image via yahoo image search

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